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Art Offers Breathing Room for the Spirit
John Updike once observed, "What art offers is space, a certain breathing room for the spirit." This statement is undoubtedly true in...
Catching the Eye with Brilliance
American Conceptual Artist Jenny Holzer's LED signs have dominated large metropolitan cities' urban landscapes and skylines for decades....
Delightfully Unexpected Outcomes
The history of contemporary art and illustration mirrors the issues of the day. The subjects may be a rapidly changing world, morphing...
A Wink, A Nod, and A Smile
Entering Artist Joye DeGoede’s gallery space, the expression is WOW; unbelievable color, proportion, action, detail, and delightful...
Following the Sun and the Wind
Visitors to the American Southwest find the landscape clear and palpable; its energy makes you pay attention to where the sun is, where...
Creativity Abounds
The American poet Maya Angelou wrote, “You can’t use up creativity; the more you use, the more you have." Local violist, conductor,...
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